What happens when Washington’s largest winemaker partners with a historic Italian wine making family? You get a really nice Cabernet…
Tired of watching movie reruns, reorganizing closets and walking the dog ten times a day? I thought so. This is…
These are unusual times and they call for an unusual wine. So, for our wine of the week we picked…
When I was young, my father’s solution to all problems, grand and small, was “walk it off.” There was a…
This too shall pass. I hope this finds everyone virus free and suffering from nothing more than serious boredom. Sure,…
Where else but in the world of wine do people talk passionately about something that can be neither readily explained…
No, this isn’t a flashback to the 1960s – we’re talking about an Austrian wine made from that country’s “signature”…
Looking for a good value red from Tuscany? Something a little different than a Chianti, maybe to go with a…
Sometimes we can get too serious about wine. So, let’s step back and look at some fun “legends” of wine…
Things aren’t always as they seem. The mere mention of certain wine regions makes us cringe, right? But often you…